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Is a 53000 Kbps Upload Speed Good?



Streamyx Speed Examination Issue. Please aid....

» ··· raspppoe

Someone please assist to cheque am I connect properly??

I'm using raspppoe and drtcp together.

Can we utilize this two together?



Fellow member

Follow upwardly: Streamyx Speed Test Result v2

» ··· nXPpppoe

This is the test result for the setting that only utilize winxp pppoe.

The result somehow looks meliorate than the previous ane.
I stay in Green Lane, Penang. Should be using Jelutong server.

So, which method should I use?
Can I improve the performance furthermore? (Heard my friend said they sometimes can have 50kbps, just my i on average maximum is around 40 simply.

Please help... I'chiliad however a newbie to ADSL.
Thank you very much!.

Santa Barbara, CA

kopitiam to limac


to limac

Re: Streamyx Speed Test Result. Delight aid....

endeavor this...
endeavour another tweak test simply off your firewall while doing the test.»/tweaks

Premium Member
bring together:2003-03-05

bixantine to limac

Premium Member

to limac

Both looks alright but how about posting some speed test results so that you can actually measure the performance of your connection. y'all can actually play around with the RWIN value between 12000 to almost 18000 just definitely non more than then 32000. play effectually with the values and compare the dissimilar speed test results with the different RWIN values. simply cull which one is the nearly advisable for you. here's another culling speed examination site that you might want to consider » ··· w100.php

and oh btw, welcome to our little spot here for streamyx users at dslr. hope to see more of you in the hereafter


Premium Member

icequake to limac

Premium Member

to limac

since u're winXP user, i'd recommend that u use winXP's PPPoE plan instead of RASPPPoE. there'south nothing wrong with winXP'south programme, and so dont really need to change to RASPPPoE it doesnt improve performance.

side note: RASPPPoE and DRTcp is ii different stuff. RASPPPoE is similar winXP's PPPoE too, merely DRTcp is used to tweak any of these PPPoE programs. so DRTcp can be used with any connectedness programs.

Premium Member
bring together:2003-04-24

zeone to limac

Premium Member

to limac

Re: Follow up: Streamyx Speed Test Event v2

said by limac:
Can I improve the performance furthermore? (Heard my friend said they sometimes can have 50kbps, only my 1 on boilerplate maximum is around 40 just.

Please help... I'grand all the same a newbie to ADSL.
Cheers very much!.

Hi & welcome!
If yu can go 40kBYTES/s DL, and then yr speed'due south Practiced! Of course there are moments when 50kBYTES may b achieved tho rare....for most of us, anyway!!
All the best!!




Re: Streamyx Speed Test Result. Please help....

I still remain in second setting and here is my exam consequence.

[From DSLR]
2003-05-24 08:01:00 EST: 321 / 108
Your download speed : 321014 bps, or 321 kbps.
A 39.1 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 108680 bps, or 108 kbps.

[ORNL TCP Web100 Bandwith Test]
TCP/Web100 bandwidth exam v4.2
click START to begin
running 10s outbound test... 106 Kbs outbound
running 10s inbound test... 297 Kbs inbound

From my side, my download speed increase when increasing the RWIN value. I will try to go for 18000 tonight. Thanks

On the other hand, should I disabled the personal firewall when running the tweak exam?

Thanks for all the comments and support!

Premium Member


Premium Member

said past limac:
On the other hand, should I disabled the personal firewall when running the tweak test?

Thank you for all the comments and support!

Well, your speed looks pretty good to me but yous tin just continue to play effectually with your settings until you find the best for you lot. as for the firewall, i think information technology would exist better if you do turn it off when you're doing a speed test merely just dont forget to plough it dorsum on over again


Premium Member
bring together:2003-04-24

zeone to limac

Premium Member

to limac
said by limac:
I all the same remain in second setting and here is my test result.

[From DSLR]
2003-05-24 08:01:00 EST: 321 / 108
Your download speed : 321014 bps, or 321 kbps.
A 39.ane KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 108680 bps, or 108 kbps.

[ORNL TCP Web100 Bandwith Test]
TCP/Web100 bandwidth test v4.2
click START to begin
running 10s outbound examination... 106 Kbs outbound
running 10s entering test... 297 Kbs inbound

If I tin become yr 321kbps DL speed (at dslreports), I would b VERY, VERY contented lo...Never got such a event!!
However yr test results at Web100 is similar to mine...
Have constitute results at Web100 more abiding...
Have already stopped trying to tweak....feel that'due south best I tin can get, because all the factors.....

Gekke Kraai
Premium Member


Premium Member

321k looks greats, if you are using raspppoe only perchance you lot could reach higher to 325k or so. Your Rwin 17520 looks to be alright.

Effort 14440 or 13068 and run into if your speed improves. Brand sure to mail service a tweak test if if does.
